Tuesday, September 30, 2014

USDA certified cruelty-free porn

I think porn is just peachy but sometimes I have trouble finding ethical porn. I know that a lot of the actors in pornographic films are exploited or addicted or not given too many choices in life outside of doing porn, and so porn with real people in it is kind of a hard pill to swallow. So if exploitation kills your lady-boner (or regular boner) what can you do? Well, one option would be to pick up this excellent collection of pornographic short comics by some of my all-time favorite webcomic artists.

There are actually only a few of my favorite artists featured in Smut Peddler but pretty much all of the art is fantastic. The stories are erotic (and graphic!) while still being silly and sweet and funny.

There's not a hell of a lot to say about this book because so much depends on the audience when you're talking about porn. If you like porn there's a good chance you'll like Smut Peddler but if you don't like porn the book isn't for you. There are a variety of relationships illustrated, from m/m, m/f, m/m/f, to m/tentacle robot and f/android. It's all very fun and sex positive, there are no non-consensual pairings, and pretty much every comic features a moment that's just completely adorable. It's like mixing cupcakes and boners and I don't really see anything wrong with that.

     - Alli
(added bonus - if you flip to the acknowledgements in the waaaaaaaaay back of the book and look under M you'll find MissDemeanor, which means you can thank me for donating money to bring this wonderful book into the world)

Ed. Spike. Various Authors. Smut Peddler. 2012.

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